

A woman is like a highway. More the curves more the dangers.

Yes but I would rather risk the danger than loose out on the travel.
-----Ramgopal varma

I was surprised to see the Indian maverick Director Ram gopal varma had responded to the post below[Highway].
I was attracted to Ramu after I came to know he was a great fan of MAD magazine.
Ramu's opinion about cartoonists: There are no better Philosophers than cartoonists in the World.

[After releasing 'AGYATH'movie,Some Woman Organizations presenting Bikinis to RGV. I wonder what they would present when RGV shoot the heroine in nude. ]



common science

There should be a Caricature library somewhere in the World;
there should be a caricature of every common man in that.
---Uncommon common line


Eye problem[2d]

This is one of my ok sort of works. As a principle, I resist from posting my routine works. But, life is like that!!



This is a portrait of S.V.Rangarao,I drew this a few minutes after watching the evergreen masterpiece -- Maayabazaar. The transformation of robust Ghatotkacha to an innocent Sasirekha is hilarious.
This movie is a text book for all filmmakers, actors and technicians. Perhaps, all positive adjectives in any language would fall short of describing aptly the movie.

If Avatar's James camaron is running 200 km/hr[According to Avatar reviews], our own Mayabazaar's director had walked at that rate long back.
I know there is nothing much we all could do except getting thrilled in the total treat called Mayabazaar.
I wish we could invite Avatar's Navi of Pandora to Earth to watch Mayabazaar.

[p.s:Sorry.. It's a daring step to review this amazing Mayabazaar..It's only for the people who donot know about this movie]